The stories of our clients

The Martelli Family (Revisited)

“We have gained so much financial literacy and knowledge by going through this process with SurePlan. We really do trust SurePlan and the service they have provided.”

Amber and Nick’s story

“We let SurePlan know what we wanted our life to be like in 10 -15 years, although we thought it was way out of reach, and they came up with a plan to make it happen.”

Craig & Nicola Saunders story

“They help us with doing the best with our day to day money but also planning for the future and making sure we are investing so we can retire without relying on the Government pension.”

Cooper Family story

“I don’t think we ever had a picture of what retirement looked like. It was just something that you did at some point and we just wanted to be comfortable.”

Bryce and Jamie Hall’s story

“Since my wife and I have been with SurePlan, we haven’t had to worry about whether we can afford things like holidays or going out for dinner, we do those things knowing that they are part of our plan and that’s the benefit I want my kids to have as well”

Bryce Hall, SurePlan client since 2015 & his son Jamie Hall, SurePlan client since 2021

Shane & Teri Ta’ala family story

“When Shane went to the bank to sign some paperwork recently, their bank manager was surprised they’d paid off so much of their mortgage in the last seven years. When he asked Shane how they’d done it, Shane said “I don’t know, but we’re with SurePlan, so you can talk to them!”

Rebecca and Keren’s Story

“If it wasn’t for Sure Plan we wouldn’t be sitting here right now with an investment property as part of our equity, it just wouldn’t have happened.”

The Martelli’s Family story

“We just looked at it like, God, how much do we have to go (on paying off the mortgage)? SurePlan thought of it as how much of your house you already own.”

Lotu-Iiga family’s story

There’s an element of serendipity as to how they would eventually marry. Jules and Sam both grew up in Auckland. Their paths crossed when they were young because Jules’ cousins lived on the same street as Sam’s family and they attended the same church in the 1980s.


When we first started talking to SurePlan the questions asked around our finances were very relevant. Now that we have gone through the process of having a plan written it has really given us a long term perspective on our finances that we did not have before. To us gaining a sense of security has been the best thing about the whole process. Knowing that we have a plan in place and that it will work if we do our part is a great feeling. We have told a number of our friends that having a plan has been really good for us and that it would be great for them too.
Chris & Cassandra Torrey
The key thing that I’ve got out of working with SurePlan is confidence. I was already paying down my mortgage at a good rate and was putting money aside for safety. The problem was that I didn’t know how much to put aside and my wealth was growing too slowly. By putting a financial plan in place I’ve learned quite a bit about what is safe to do‚ where I can get best value out of my money and I now have real confidence in where I will end up. Before talking to SurePlan I was already good at saving‚ the difference now is that my saving is getting me to my goals faster. I was pretty apprehensive about talking to someone about my finances‚ but it’s been very good and I would recommend that people take a look at what a plan can do for them.
Nick Eathorne, Royal New Zealand Navy
I had already been investing in property for a number of years when SurePlan called. My son is special needs and my mother who lives with me had just had some health problems so it was time to put a plan in place to protect my family. When I sat down with the financial advisor and went throught the written document it was great‚ I had never had one before and there is real security seeing a plan on paper.
I whole—heartedly recommend getting a financial plan from a professional as it is probably one of the best things that you can do for your financial future. The biggest thing that I have gained is a feeling of real security. Thanks SurePlan.
Richelle Parry

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There’s no time like the present to get started on your financial journey. Take the first step with a free no-obligation in-home consultation, and discover how we can help you get from where you are now to where you really want to be.