For most of us, financial planning means making sure we’ve got enough money to pay the bills, feed the kids, and maybe stash something away for a rainy day if we’re doing well. But who has the time or the motivation to get into the more complicated (and boring) stuff like maximising mortgage and insurance structures or projecting the value a suitable retirement nest egg? It’s probably nagging away at the back of your mind that you need to sort it out at some stage, but so are the dozens of other jobs cluttering up your to-do list. Because it’s such an overwhelming and tedious task, for many families, financial planning remains permanently at the bottom of the “too hard” basket.
That’s where financial planners like SurePlan come in. They love sorting out all the bits that are relegated to the “too-hard” basket, and they’re trained to look at it all holistically and identify how they can save you money and maximise your income and assets to work harder for you. Visiting a financial planner is a bit like visiting a doctor, except they treat your financial health instead of your physical health. Both deserve to be looked after by someone with specialist training because both are vitally important to your future!
And just like visiting the doctor, all you need to do is make an appointment with your financial planner and then let them work their magic. You just need to know your basic financial details and what your goals are in life – like becoming debt-free sooner or being able to travel during retirement. Your financial planner will assess your current financial situation, your assets and your goals, and then produce a plan to help you get where you want to go – a prescription for financial wellbeing. It will include an analysis of things like your loans and insurance policies, to make sure you’re not spending more than you need on interest and premiums, and a strategy to optimise your savings and assets.
A couple of meetings is all it takes to set you up for a financially secure future, saving you time, money, and lots of headaches. Once your plan is in place, you just need to revisit it at regular intervals, or whenever you have a major life change. As the saying goes, the only constant in life is change, and it’s important to adapt your plan whenever something crops up that alters your financial situation, like a change in jobs, moving house, or a new addition to the family.
Having a professionally-prepared financial plan in place means you can stop worrying about financial management and concentrate on the important things in life.
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